Get Safe Contraception At Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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Dr. Manisha Risbud , experienced gynecologist of Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune, offers contraception options for women seeking to prevent pregnancy. Schedule a consultation today!

What is Contraception?

A woman can get pregnant when the sperms reach the eggs. Contraception is a method that prevents the sperm from reaching the eggs. Pregnancy can be prevented by stopping the production of eggs or preventing the sperm from reaching the eggs. Pregnancy can also be prevented by stopping the fertilized egg from being implanted in the uterine lining.

There are various types of contraception available in the market. Several factors need to be considered by the male, female, or couple before choosing the most appropriate contraceptive method that would work for them. Some of the most important factors to be considered include safety, efficacy, availability, and acceptability. Informed choices should be made while choosing a contraceptive method. Counseling regarding contraceptive use is encouraged. Not only this, proper guidance regarding the use of contraceptives is given utmost importance.

How to choose the right Contraception?

While choosing a method of contraception, simultaneous protection from sexually transmitted diseases should be considered. For example, though hormonal contraceptives are highly effective in preventing pregnancy, they do not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, using barrier methods can prevent transmission of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydial infection. Different contraceptive methods include oral pills, implants, injectables, patches, vaginal rings, condoms, intrauterine devices, lactational amenorrhea methods, and fertility awareness-based methods. These methods have different modes of action and efficacy in preventing unplanned pregnancies.

It is essential to consult a doctor to know which contraceptive to use, its convenience, side effects, cost, and efficacy. If you are in Pune, you should consider visiting Dr. Manisha Risbud from Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home. Dr. Manisha is a renowned gynecologist working in Pune, who has helped many couples to plan their pregnancy.

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What to expect at the consultation for Contraception?

Dr. Manisha Risbud will ask you if you suffer from any medical condition, check your blood pressure, and do a pelvic examination. The doctor may also want to know about your sexual health to advise you on the best contraceptive device. Generally, people with certain medical conditions cannot take birth pills. These include:-

  • People with a history of migraine
  • People with high blood pressure
  • Females above the age of 35 years who smoke
  • People with a history of blood clots

Dr. Manisha Risbud will discuss the various birth control methods and their benefits, disadvantages, and side effects so you can make an informed decision. Scheduling a birth control appointment will help you assess your options and determine what works best for you.

Types of Contraception

There are different types of contraceptive methods that couples can use. The choice depends on the goals and the couple’s comfort level. The contraceptive methods are broadly classified into:

Barrier methods

  • Male and female condoms: A thin sheath is used to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the eggs. Condoms can prevent sexually transmitted infections. Condom is the most commonly used contraceptive method by couples.
  • Sponge: A sponge contains spermicide to kill the sperm.
  • Spermicide: Spermicide is a chemical that kills sperms. It can be used alone or along with a diaphragm or cervical cap.
  • Diaphragm and cervical cap: Caps are placed inside the vagina to cover the cervix. They are usually used along with a spermicide.

Hormonal methods

  • Oral contraceptive pills: Pills are taken by a woman daily to prevent pregnancy. These pills contain different combinations of hormones. They prevent pregnancy by creating hormonal imbalances.
  • Contraceptive patch: A woman puts the patch on the skin every week. This patch releases hormones into the bloodstream and prevents pregnancy.
  • Vaginal ring: A thin, flexible ring is inserted into the vagina. It releases hormones causing disbalance in hormones.
  • Implant: A thin rod containing hormones can be inserted under the skin of a woman’s arm.

Long-acting contraceptives

  • Intrauterine devices: These contraceptives are commonly used by couples who do not want pregnancy for a long time. They can last up to 10 years. Of all the intrauterine devices, copper and hormonal are commonly used


Other than preventing pregnancy, contraceptives, or birth pills are used for multiple other conditions. Some of these conditions are:

  • Birth pills can be used to regularize the menstrual cycle. Oral pills contain the hormones that are responsible for regular periods.
  • Birth pills can help to treat cramps, premenstrual syndrome, and anemia. Taking birth pills lowers the risk of heavy menstrual bleeding by preventing ovulation and maintaining the thickness of the uterine lining. Hence, it helps to prevent anemia.
  • Even in the case of premenstrual syndrome, birth control pills can help to ease symptoms like mood swings, breast soreness, weight gain, bloating, and acne.
  • Birth pills can help give relief from symptoms of endometriosis and prevent ovarian cysts.
  • Birth pills can improve acne and hair growth by reducing the levels of male hormones.
  • Birth pills are prescribed to females suffering from PCOS. Hormonal imbalance caused by this condition can be treated by balancing the hormones.
  • Oral pills can decrease the chances of developing certain types of cancers like endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer.


The intrauterine device is a small, T-shaped device that can be placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Two types of intrauterine devices are commonly used - hormonal and copper. However, it is not advisable for those who have an infection, are pregnant, have cancer, or are allergic to copper to get the intrauterine device. Most females who get an intrauterine device do not experience any serious complications. Side effects are usually manageable and go away as the body gets used to the intrauterine device.

Surgical procedures

Surgical procedures like vasectomy in males and tubal ligation in females can be done to prevent pregnancy. These sterilization techniques are considered a permanent form of birth control. In addition, sterilization techniques are considered safety procedures and usually don’t lead to complications.

Benefits of Contraception

Some of the benefits that contraception provides are:-

  • It reduces pregnancy-related morbidity and mortality.
  • It reduces the chances of developing certain types of cancers.
  • Contraception helps to treat many menstrual-related symptoms and disorders.

Making an informed decision regarding the right choice of contraception can help alleviate several health problems and prevent pregnancy. However, this requires an opinion from an experienced gynecologist. Dr. Manisha Risbud has assisted several couples in choosing the best contraceptive method while keeping long-term goals in mind.

What is the cost of Contraception in Pune?

The cost of contraception in Pune depends on the chosen method and any associated services, such as consultation fees or bloodwork. Dr. Manisha Risbud will discuss the cost with you during your consultation.

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Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy With Contraception at Srujan Maternity & Nursing Home, Pune

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